08 January 2007

Its a New Year, I suppose I should say something

Happy Belated New Year!

Lots going on but very little of interest. After spending so much time getting used to sleeping as long as I wanted to I had to go back to work. Didn't sleep well all last week. This week's starting better. Of course I also spent most of last week working on my year-end assessment for work. Of course, I knew when this was due a month ago and could have started on it ages ago. Did I? No, of course not. I was on vacation! I used to do the same thing in school so it's nice to know some things don't change.

Did some more work in the archive while I was off. Neatest thing I found (from my point of view anyway) is the original art for the cover of a story I wrote just after I got out of high school: 'Psychotic Reaction III: Homecoming'. I've had a copy on my wall for years but hadn't remembered where the original was. It's dated 1993. I feel old again.

I should have something interesting to say soon. Either that or I'll get addicted to 'Guitar Hero'. One of the two.

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