16 December 2006

Sick on vacation not sick of vacation

Been sick this week. It's one of those colds that started off slow as a weird sore throat and has mutated into a normal stuffy head, runny nose, sore throat sort of cold. Ya know, the sort of thing that most people call the flu now. I still don't understand that. When I was younger, a cold was what I just described and the flu was an illness that affected your stomach in some way. If there was vomiting involved at some point, then it was the flu. I'm not quite sure when that changed but it does seem to have done so. Maybe 'I've got the flu' still sounds better than 'I've got a really bad cold' when you call into work sick?

I didn't have to call into work sick. I've been on vacation all week. Yup, spending vacation sick. Feels great. On the plus side, I've got more time off coming so I should be able to enjoy some of that time. I had two weeks of vacation to burn up before the end of the year and we shut down for the last week of the year so I was scheduled to work for very little of December eitherway.

The goal for this time off was to get the Archive in shape again or at least a little bit organized again. One of the problems with having such a diverse set of interests is that I collect stuff from all over. It doesn't take long for this sort of thing to get out of control. On the plus side, finding stuff I forgot I own is fun. Found a neat Optimus Prime from 2001, stamp releases signed by Tom Baker (the Fourth Doctor) and Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), a recording of the Dave Letterman show from about ten years ago with special guest Brett Favre right after the Packers won the Super Bowl and a NES Advantage controller, amongst other things.

Things could be better but I'm glad that they're not worse.

1 comment:

Callie Reed said...

Feel better, Stevie!