21 November 2006

One wonderful morning

As I drove to work this morning, I was briefly distracted by the rising of the sun. The partly cloudy sky was tinted red and looked amazing. I sought to describe it, for the practice if nothing else. Was it a cranberry colour? No, the red wasn’t deep enough. A cranberry spritzer colour? Sure, with a splash of ginger ale that would be about right…

That’s when it hit me. As I inhaled I smelled skunk. The choked expression on my face must have been entertaining but there was no one else around to laugh. I quickly started breathing through my mouth. One of the worst things about the scent of a skunk is that it seems to stick with you forever. Miles away I still wasn’t safe from the odor. It drove the beautiful mental picture of that sky away from me.

I’m sure there’s a metaphor about life or love in there somewhere but I’m feeling too lazy to find it right now. Maybe later.

1 comment:

Callie Reed said...

The life lesson is...

"Sometimes life smells like shit. But behind it, there is still beauty to behold."