13 November 2006

Geekisode 1

The parking lot was noisy as the people cheerfully exited their cars. It watched as they walked, giggled, carried, played and entered the hotel. Once they were inside, it was quiet again.

It stayed in the bushes. Now was not the time. Now there was too much chaos, bad chaos. Soon there would be chaos but good chaos. It would generate this chaos.

Then things would be better. Understanding would be returned. Happiness would come with it.

Now was not the time. Soon. For the moment it stayed in the bushes. Waiting.

- The preceding is a preview of the novelization of ‘Compound Geeks’ episode ‘Wilderness’, which is scheduled to appear on the KTNE forums on 20-Nov-2006. -


Confused by the text located above? You can be less so. The approaching story is the last in a trilogy that is a sequel to another trilogy.

First came the ‘Notes from Japan’ stories: ‘Go Go Godzilla’, ‘By a Waterfall’ and ‘Monsters of the Daleks’ are all available on the Python Lord website at www.spectraldesign.com/pythl

The second set of stories begins with ‘Hell Comes to Irish Fest’ and continued with ‘The Scasnyville Horror’, both of which are available at ‘Steve’s Cozy Literary Folder’ found on the KTNE.com forum (www.ktne.com/forum). This is where ‘Wilderness’ is scheduled to appear on 20-Nov-2006. The remainder of the story is scheduled to appear each Monday after that until all six episodes have been ‘broadcast’.

There’s a Crisis coming…

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