19 October 2006

Even fun work can be work

At the moment I’m in the middle of at least three projects, four if you count my fight to stop starting messages with the word ‘so’.

There’s the ‘assisting with the patio’ project for my parents which involves toting and lifting, both tasks that my body is telling me I don’t do often enough. The plan is to pour concrete this Saturday so hopefully that’s almost done.

Then there’s the ‘old series’ informational section I’ve been working on for the web page. It’s an attempt to go back to the ‘Doctor Who’ fan fiction I created during and just after high school, summarizing the stories and commenting upon them. I think it’ll be an interesting addition to the text already on the ‘Python Lord’ site.

Not to forget the new story I’ve been working on that appears to be hitting the home stretch. It’s hard to judge exactly how much I have left to write page wise (despite the fact that I keep trying) but I have a feel for how many scenes I have left to write. It’s getting close. Fun time is about to start! 

The problem with getting near the end of a project is that I want to kick everything up a gear to get them done. I don’t know if I have three gears but I’m trying. So, if it gets a little quiet around here for the next week or two, that is probably why. I’m gear kicking to at least get a couple of these off my plate (that and the toting and lifting will probably knock me out for most of the rest of the weekend). To put this in some sort of perspective, Chad ‘twisted’ my arm into going out for a couple drinks last night after picking up my comics. I had a good time but I was annoyed at the same time because I felt I should have been using that time to type.

For a lazy bum, I seem to be getting a lot done. That can’t be right.

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